Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Trancecore - wtf?!

So... long time no posting.

A few weeks ago I had a virus. That really sucked. I had avast! updated and running, and still it fucked my system up. It messed up my wireless, made it impossible to install any antivirus programs or go into safe mode. So I did an internet scan of my personal files - which luckily none of were infected, moved them onto my external harddrive and formatted my laptop.
After being angry I was actually excited, 'cos for once I'd get to use format c:
But alas, that didn't work from a running windows system, so I had to use the XP CD.
It's all up and running again, although I still miss quite a few programs, but I'll just install them when I actually need them.

Class was cool last week. We had some seminar from thursday til saturday, and half the course didn't even turn up. Which is quite a lot, regarding that my course is less than 20 people. So the ones that did come had quite some fun.

On friday we went bowling. So now my legs and right arm are still a bit sore, but it was fun. Especially since after 9 p.m. they turn on blacklight and the balls as well as the pins were glowing awesomely.

And on saturday some guy I know had a party for his birthday. Me and some friends went there even though we were super exhausted from the seminar all week. We were sure we'd only stay til 11 or something... But in the end we ended up staying til 5am. :D That was a great lot of fun.
All during the party we listened to Enter Shikari - Sorry, You're Not A Winner. And frankly I fucking love this song :D
So now as an ultimate consequence of this, I'm going on a festival in summer to see them. And also half my course is going, too. Wah, so much fun ahead!